What is SCHINES?

Creating a brain-inspired technology through neouromorphic engineering could achieve or even surpass the extraordinary ability of the brain to grasp the world. The brain operates at an extremely low power consumption yet with the most complex interconnectivity known to mankind. The main goal of SCHINES, or Spatially-Separated Chirality Inspired Networks, is to set a clear direction to solve one of the biggest technological challenges that hinders this revolution: in existing physical neural network architectures, the desired interconnectivity can hardly be achieved.

SCHINES’s is to design and fabricate devices to demonstrate radically improved signal routing using topological metals, creating transferable scalable interconnectivity

The design principle is simple: the environment of chiral electrons, electrons with spin locked to its momentum, can be engineered to create rich electronic lensing effect, analogous to light in-media propagation, yet broader. Positive and negative effective indices of refraction for electrons, and lossless signal crossing can be engineered while maintaining, selecting or filtering the intrinsic topological protection of chirality, a degree of freedom that can be used for computation. These design principles are the basis for our device goals.

SCHINES is a European Union funded FET-OPEN project with an overall budget of 2.3MEUR. Check out the official EU database for more info.


The SCHINES consortium is composed by three partners: IBM Research in Zurich, the Max Planck Institute for the Physics and Chemistry of Solids in Dresden, and the NĂ©el Instiute of the CNRS in Grenoble. You can find details about the Principal Investigators in the People tab.