
Principal investigators

Bernd Gotsmann (PhD) is the coordinator of SCHINES. He is a Research Staff Member at IBM Research – Zurich since 2006. He studied Physics at the University of York, UK, and the University of Muenster, Germany. He has a broad background in scanning probe techniques for microscopy, data storage and tribology. His current interest is thermal transport phenomena in nanoscale devices and structures in general, including setting up one of the most sensitive scanning thermal microscopes in IBM’s Noisefree Labs. He is listed as an inventor of 97 issued patents and co-authored more than 100 publications. His current responsibilities include patent evaluation at IBM Research and he is an elected member of the Swiss National Research Council and principal investigator of the H2020 projects CONNECT, EFINED and QuIET.

Heinz Schmid is Principal Investigator work package and leader in SCHINES. He is Senior Engineer at IBM –Research – Zurich and his current research areas comprise epitaxy of III–V compounds on Si, design and fabrication of scaled III-V devices with a focus on tunnel field effect transistors, FETs, as well as quantum devices and Lasers. At present, he is principal investigator of the H2020 project SILAS and responsible for the project NANOTANDEM. He is co-author on > 100 publications, and >30 patents.

Kirsten E. Moselund (PhD) is Principal Investigator in SCHINES. She is Research Staff Member and manager of the Materials Integration and Nanoscale Devices group at IBM –Research – Zurich. Her background is in semiconductor physics and devices, in particular ultra-low power electronics. Her research interests include nanowire technology, semiconductor physics, nanophotonics and novel electronic and photonic device concepts. She is also an ERC grantee on a project on plasmonically enhanced nanowire emitters.

Adolfo G. Grushin (PhD) is Principal Investigator in SCHINES. He holds a permanent position at the Néel Institute Theory Group (CNRS) in Grenoble. In his PhD at the Spanish Research Council he pioneered the response theory of topological semimetals prior to their discovery. He then moved to the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems where he studied topological metals and fractional topological phases using a variety of theoretical methods from quantum field theory to density matrix renormalization group. His work helped him obtain a Marie Curie Global Fellowship in a joint appointment between Oxford and the University of California Berkeley, before obtaining the position he holds today. He has coauthored more than 36 papers, including two reviews on strain effects in two and three dimensional materials.

Johannes Gooth (PhD) is Principal Investigator in SCHINES. He is an Independent Research Group Leader since 2018. He studied Physics at the University of Lund, Sweden, and the University of Hamburg, Germany from 2006 to 2011. Holding a DFG scholarship, he finished his PhD as excellent with honors at the University Hamburg in 2014. After a subsequent 2-years postdoc at IBM – Research Zurich, Johannes went for a short Postdoc to Amir Yacoby’s group at Harvard University in 2017. He has a broad background in electrical and thermal transport measurements at low temperatures and high magnetic fields on nanowires, thin films and bulk materials. His current interest is electrical and thermal transport phenomena in topological semimetals and its connection to high energy physics. He co-authored 6 patents and is an author of more than 40 publications. His recent Nature paper has received tremendous attention, including coverage by daily journals such as the New York Times, by showing indication of the gravitational anomaly in Weyl semimetals through thermoelectric transport measurements for the first time.

Claudia Felser (PhD). Is one of the principal investigators in SCHINEs. She studied chemistry and physics at the University of Cologne, doctorate in 1994, postdoctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart and at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) in Nantes, France. Head of research group and since 2003 professor at the University of Mainz, guest researcher at Princeton University, USA (1999), Stanford University, USA (2009/2010), and visiting professor at the University of Caen, France (2000). Since December 2011 Director and scientific member of the MPI CPfS in Dresden. She is one of the world’s leading experts in materials chemistry of topological semimetals. Claudia Felser is chairman of the DFG research group “New Materials with High Spin Polarization” and director of the Graduate School of Excellence “Materials Science in Mainz” of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Since 2018, Claudia Felser is the new head of the research group for solid-state chemistry and material research of the society for German Chemists. She has co-authored more than 700 publications.


Serguei Tchoumakov is working together with Adolfo G. Grushin at the Néel Institute Theory Group (CNRS) in Grenoble, on the theory side of SCHINEs. He is modelling Weyl semimetal interfaces, and the effect that strain and inhomogeneous magnetization has on these materials. Previously he was a postdoc at U. Montreal working with Prof. Witczak-Krempa. He did his PhD in Orsay under the supervision of Mark O. Goerbig.

PhD students

Jonathan Noky is a PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids. He provides first principles theory support for the Gooth group and the theory modelling team at the Néel Institute Theory Group.

Wajdi Abdel-Haq is a PhD student at the Gooth group for Nanostructured Quantum Materials. He specialises in nanomaterial growth.